Yoke Nam School OUG Upgraded Stage Curtain

Yoke Nam School Festoon Curtain
Yoke Nam School Festoon Curtain

Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (C) Yoke Nam which is a Chinese school located in Jalan Hujan Emas 6 Taman Overseas Union (Taman OUG) has upgraded the stage curtain and sound system in the multipurpose hall. The hall is more than 10 years and it was time to upgrade the stage system. The hall was also under major renovation to change the flooring, ceiling, aircond and Audio Visual System. The AV System was supplied by Tegas and Stage Curtain is by Artistic Controls.

Yoke Nam Stage Side View
Yoke Nam Stage Side View

The proposed system at Yoke Nam School is to change the motorised front festoon curtain system c/w brake motors, gearboxes and pulleys system. Others like 2 x top masking and 4 x wing curtain also included. Material is by JC Joel UK curtain manufacturer.

As the stage width is 17.4 m by 5m height we have to import 5 rolls of the velvet fabric to make the full 75% fullness for the complete curtain. Overall the multipurpose hall is a 36m x 24m and can cater for 5 badminton court.

J&C Joel are one of the world’s leading manufacturers of flame retardant fabrics and flooring for the entertainment and event industries. Artistic Controls as the distributor of JC Joel fabric in Malaysia we always recommend the flame retardant fabric as this installation is in the public area like the Yoke Nam School.

The Curtain Design

Festoon Curtain
Festoon Curtain

The front of house (FOH) curtain is the festoon type or Austrian curtain is a motorized festoon is used to give a vertical, decorative opening to the stage. The make-up of the curtain is in panel sections where each section is sewn with vertical fullness (about 75%) and the self-weight of the fabric creates the distinctive ‘swag’. Bob weights or a weighting barrel are used to maintain tension in the hauling lines and to gather the curtain panels on opening.

It is typically opened and closed during performances to reveal or conceal the stage and scenery from the audience.

There are 4 nos of wing curtain or leg curtain used to mask the wings on either side of the stage. And the top masking borders, are wide, short draperies that span the width of the stage; these are used to mask lights. Legs and borders are typically made from a heavy, light-absorbing material similar to that of other stage drapes.